113 Cherry St PMB 40683 Seattle, WA 98104-2205

Meet Our Team

Regee Costanza

Regee Costanzo

Regee Costanzo is the Community Engagement Coordinator and Programs Manager at the Brain Injury Alliance of Washington. Her role focuses on fostering community connections by enhancing educational offerings, providing guidance on resources, and backing supporting groups. She is certified as an occupational therapy assistant and a health and wellness coach. Currently, she is pursuing a master’s degree in social work at the University of Washington. Regee employs a collaborative, strengths-based approach to meet clients and community members where they are, helping to co-create a path toward healing and empowerment.

Justin Taft

Justin Taft

As the Director of Operations at Brain Northwest, Justin's primary focus is strategic oversight and implementing initiatives that reinforce Brain NW's mission. Justin leads a team that collaborates to enhance support systems for individuals with brain injuries, drawing upon his expertise in strategic planning, financial management, and human resources. Justin holds a BAS in Health Promotion and Education and a Master's in Education, focusing on adult learning. Justin is also a professor at Bellevue College, teaching various courses, including health equity, epidemiology, social justice in healthcare, and practicum preparation.

Angelia Corona

Angelina Corona

Angelina Corona joined BIAWA as a Trust Administrator. She brings with her an extensive background in trust and estate administration, including a unique specialization in property and project management for ultra-high-net worth clients. Her acumen in administration and management allows her to contribute sound advice for our special needs pooled trust called P.A.C.T.; Pooled Alliance Community Trust. Angelina’s approach is efficient and conscientious. She is hands on with our special needs clients and enjoys providing a personalized experience for them as they navigate brain injuries and additional health challenges. While not at work, this Pacific Northwest native loves spending time along the sandy beaches of Lake Sammamish; and enjoys the wildlife it supports. She actively works with local agencies to be a voice for vulnerable adults, volunteers her time with cats who need forever homes, and assists wherever else she can be of help.